From a Tilted Pail
The seven stories in this fine collection sparkle. Together, they form a brilliant mosaic of light and sound and color of such intensity you will feel you have entered the gates of some exotic paradise —Terri Kirby Erickson, author of Telling Tales of Dusk and A Lake of Light and Clouds
The seven stories in this fine collection sparkle. Together, they form a brilliant mosaic of light and sound and color of such intensity you will feel you have entered the gates of some exotic paradise —Terri Kirby Erickson, author of Telling Tales of Dusk and A Lake of Light and Clouds
I admire Vishwanathan’s ability to step right into the skin of the other—his perception of the female sensibility is particularly acute—without any sense of patronization or exoticism --Anis Shivani, Pushcart winner, Huffington Post columnist, and author of My Tranquil War and Other Poems and Anatolia and Other Stories
Stylistically exact, full of surprise, this is fiction at its humanizing best —Barry Spacks, author of The Sophomore and There's Always a Girl From a Tilted Pail is a brave, powerful exploration of the painful struggles that happen when characters are trapped between strife and the universal human need for freedom — Stefanie Freele, author of Feeding Strays and Surrounded by Water |
Vishwanathan is a magician who pulls hope out of a hat — Jen Michalski, author of Could You Be with Her Now and The Tide King
Ajay Vishwanathan’s From a Tilted Pail will break your heart with seven exquisitely crafted short stories about the longing for liberation, and the triumph of setting another spirit free —Robin Stratton, editor of Boston Literary Magazine
Whether the subject is an execution, a silk factory, a snake hunter, a facial deformity, or the keeper of lamps in a village shrine, each tale has the force of parable, the gentle voice of the narrator almost always motherly, the leading character almost always a child —Michael Salcman, author of The Enemy of Good Is Better and editor of Poetry in Medicine